Sunday, July 20, 2008

It rained most of the day here. The girls, grandma and I cleaned the back storage room. Grandma sorted all of the toys and I went through more boxes in the back room. We ended up with 5 boxes of stuff for a garage sale. By the time Asa got home from work the goats in the back field had escaped. They went straight for the barn. All I had to do was turn off the electric fence and let them in. It was a fairly easy placement. Now we will need to get them back out into the field again. I went to go check on the peachicks and 3 of them were dead. Grandma accidently turned their heat light off last night when she was unplugging the sander. Grandma felt bad and she cleaned up the dead chicks and when she threw them down on the ground one of theirs eyes opened. She donated her heating pad to try to warm it up but there was no luck. Another one was touch and go. Hopefully it will make it through the night. We put it in the heating pad too. It seemed to be doing better. It was breathing and warming up when we left it. That turned out to be an expensive accident. So it was a fun filled evening between the goats getting out and the peachicks.

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