We are having a contest.
We need to finalize our Ranch or Farm name.
We would like something catchy.
We like Reed Ranch but we dont Love it.
We are looking for something we love.
Please post suggestions and the name we chose will win a prize.
It could be a trip to see us or cheese and wine from the locals here in Alexandria Bay.
We also need someone to design a logo. We would like the name of the Ranch/Farm with a Boer Goat on it.
Please give us you feedback and suggestions.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween
Today AR had her Halloween party at preschool. She went as a fairy princess. QT was also invited and she went as Tigger. QT had more fun than AR. AR took care of her little sister and made sure she got snacks and met everyone. It was very cute. Most of the parents brought in treat bags for the kids so at snack time they were over whelmed by cookies, cake and candy. The three C's. AR brought her snack bags she made in on Thursday with Grandpap. It was our day to bring snack so I am so glad we brought in our Halloween bags early. For they didnt need any more junk food today. Although our bag only had pretzels in the bag with playdough and stickers. No candy, cookies or cake. AR had a great time having her grandpap at preschool with her on Thursday. The moms at the preschool voted and they all think Grandpap should be SANTA this year. All except AR. We will have to figure something out. So Grandpap if you are interested you should start growing your beard for the Holidays!
We had lots of company over the last few weeks. On October 19, 2006 Aunt Jane and Uncle David from Australia arrived with Grandpaps sister Margie and her husband Uncle Roger. Grandpap actually arrived the next day. Much later than he was suppose to. His flight kept getting delayed out of Pittsburg. On his return flight he was also delayed. They cancelled his flight out of Watertown and the airline wanted to book him out of Syracuse to overnight in the Pittsberg Airport. He told them no thanks and Cherly went back and picked him up. And he flew out the next morning and caught the same flight out of Pittsberg. I dont think he got into Las Vegas until 3 or 4pm their time. They are 3 hours behind us. They had him rerouted to the craziest places with many more delays.
The Australians wanted to see another New England fall foliage. Which they did see driving from Penn to here. The day after they arrived Friday, it rained and snowed about 4 inches in 2 hours. It was beautiful. Huge snow flakes and they were coming down so fast. They got to see two seasons for one trip. We were laughing how lucky they were. We enjoyed their visit and they were all to leave Sunday but Roger thankfully decided to stay and help Grandpap with the basement and raising the floors. We were so Happy Uncle Roger decided to stay also. We got lots of work done and the girls just love their Uncle Roger. They were sad to see him leave yesterday! AR kept asking him why did Aunt Jane, Uncle David and Aunt Margie leave him here. He replied so that he could stay and play with her. She loved that answer.
We had quite the sleeping quarters while everyone was here. Aunt Jane and Uncle David slept in Grandma's room. Grandma and Grandpap slept in the living room with Uncle Roger and Aunt Margie. Grandma and Grandpap swapped the couch and Lazy boy each night. Asa and I with QT and AR slept in our room. However, AR decided she wanted to sleep in the living room with everyone so we put her mattress on the floor with everyone too. Aunt Margie and Uncle Roger had an air mattress. After the first night of sleeping Grandma slept with her air plugs because everyone snored so bad. I think it was mainly me and Grandpap who did most of the snoring.
Asa and I went to our first Farmers meeting. It is called the Grange. They are suppose to talk about local farming issues and to get the local farmers together. We were invited to their anual fund raiser meeting. It was fun but we didnt talk too much about farming because we were bidding on wrapped white elephant gifts and that money went to their state chapter of the Grange. We were invited by the Pastor of the local Lutheran Church and his wife. They are very nice and it is affliated to AR's preschool. We had a good time. The who's who of the farm community were there and they all knew of us. They said they new with in twenty minutes of when the farm sold to us. It is a very small community. The one farmer who raises organic dairy is also the Fire Chief of Redwood. He knew we had called 911 to get the number for poison control because QT had gotten a hold of the childrens vitamins and was eating a mouth full when I caught her. I knew she couldnt have eaten more than 10 and I had fished out about 4 from her mouth but I couldnt find the number for poison control so I had to call 911. They wouldnt give me the number and because I called the had to dispatch the ambulance to our house. This happened the morning Grandpap was going to preschool with AR. The Fire Chief said he was just getting through milking and the dispatch wasnt too excited over the call so he wondered what had actually happened. Needless to say poison controll said even if she had ten she should be fine and the first symptom would be vommitting and if she isnt doing that she would be fine. And that if she hadnt had breakfast we may want to feed her.
There is always some excitement even if you dont want any. Saturday we went to a community luncheon at the firehall for some kid with cancer. They were raising money for him to pay for his medical bills. Asa purchased a coon hunt or Racoon hunt and Grandpap bid against him and he was very shocked. Asa goes coon hunting this friday. I asked if he was going to get the girls hats. Saturday night we also had good news of getting two offers on our house. We picked one and we hope it all goes through and we should close on our house November 27, 2006. YEAH.
Sunday it was so windy and rainy here it reminded Asa and I of weather in Alaska. It blew over our metal 6x12 dog kennel. The girls play house, tumbled across the lawn. It was incredibly windy, which is also probaly why Grandpap couldnt leave.
Considering it has been over a week not too much has happened. Tonight we took the girls out trick or treating. They had so much fun. QT's eyes were wide open looking at all the costumes and she kept going into everyone's house and we couldnt get her out without going in after her. It was funny. There was one house which was pretty scary and AR wouldnt go into it. QT had no fear and just went around her sister and straight into the house and got her candy then wouldnt leave. She was mesmerized by the strobe lights. When we got home we had dinner and I made the girls brush their teeth and now they are in bed with Dad.
Posted by
8:26 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Sorry for not having any postings lately. We have company. I probally wont get to post any news until Monday October 30, 2006. So Sorry but keep reading.
Posted by
1:34 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
This picture was taken on October 17, 2006. It was raining very hard and all the goats (does) were inside.
Another rainy day but only since about 2pm. Grandma was able to hang two loads of clothes on the line and get them dried before it started to rain. AR went to preschool and had a blast as usual. We picked her up and we went to Sams in Watertown. We rearranged the furniture and vacuumed. But we still need to go do our goat chores and feed and water them. Asa got off of work 2 hours early and went out hunting after he helped unload the groceries.
We are expecting house guests today and tomorrow Grandpap comes. We are expecting Dave and Jane from Australia and Grandpaps sister Margie and her husband Roger. AR is very excited that Aunt Margie is coming especially Uncle Roger.
Here is a short tale from Grandpap:
I had my first phone call with AR yesterday. We have talked on the phone before when Sarah, Asa, or Cheryl gave her the phone and such, but yesterday evening she was in Grandma's room when I called and no one else was there. She picked up the phone, said hello, asked who it was, and then told me all about her day. She talked about painting the bathroom, baking Daddy a birthday pie, having pie and ice cream and singing happy birthday, she was great! She also told me about Woody getting in the garbage again and getting in trouble, and QT not listening when she was told to. We had a great phone call. Love Grandpap
This morning we woke up and there was note from the racoons. The note said all the toys were picked up so we ate the rest of the apple pie and it was so good. AR couldnt believe the racoons came and took the rest of the pie. Usually they threaten to come and take her toys when they arent picked up but to come and eat the rest of the pie and they left a note was unbelievable.
Posted by
3:16 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Today was Asa's Birthday! AR and I painted the bathroom for him. We put Happy Birthday Daddy on the wall with lots of fish and scribbles. We also painted, Have a great day and Love you. AR really likes we she gets to paint on the walls. We even managed to make him an apple pie with the apples we bought from the orchard. We found our big toaster oven and a piece of corning ware and hoped for the best. I tried to find our pie plates but couldnt. Not without digging through many boxes. In the first few I looked in I found a corning ware dish. I thought this will work. This may not make sense to some. We do not have an oven. This is why it was such a big deal to bake a pie. Amazingly it turned out great. The top got a little crispy and I didnt have any cinnamon but I improvised and it turned out great.
Posted by
9:40 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
This is the pool I had dumped a few hours earlier. People from the east coast are probaly use to this but in CO it just doesnt rain like this and as often.
The picture on the right is a good reason why we have to change the girl's clothes so often. We have way more laundry here.
Posted by
10:58 PM
Another soggy wet day and it of coarse is Asa's Day off. He went hunting this morning and now he is putting QT in for a nap or should I say they are napping together. AR and I just went out and took pictures of the goats in their new home. Since it is raining they are all indoors. It takes forever to load pictures onto the blog with dial up but I will be patient and hopefully get some good ones posted. You'll be able to see why the girls go through so many clothes here. Every time they come outside with us they come back soaking wet and muddy. We have a kiddy pool and I dumped it this morning and it is already half full of water. The weather here is very similar to where we lived in AK but we have had many nicer days here at least so far.
Grandma came outside to visit yesterday while we were working on the fence and she commented on our stroller. We had QT in the front with hay bail string draping over the top. A roll of wire, wire cutters and a few other tools in the cup holder and in the bottom we had all the insulators for the fence with the power drill and hammers with a feed bucket. She told us we were going Redneck.
I will have to post the pictures later. I keep getting an error message.
Posted by
2:45 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Asa is holding up the bag of bass he put in the pond yesterday. You can also see some of the goats in the background.
Woody, Woody, Woody! You were doing so well. Then you had to go and have two monsterous poops and pee in the hall way. Without even trying to let us know you had to go out. AR noticed her dolls feet were missing. She showed me this morning. I told her, that looks like it really hurts, she said "yeah it does." Woody you went two nights sleeping inside without being in your kennel and then you blew it. I woke up at 3am to the smell of poop I put Woody outside. We all woke up to garbage all over the yard. He made a royal mess of the trash not only inside but outside. He was then put in his other kennel which he urinated and pooped in. This was two kennels both messy. One with poop and urine, the other with vomit. Asa took them both to the car wash this evening and cleaned them. Woody is now in his kennel whining but he is still in trouble and after last night there is no way I am going to be suckered into letting him out tonight.
After breakfast the girls and I went to the state park and they played on the playground and I read the paper. It was chilli but they had lots of fun and the park is closed for the winter so there is absolutely no one there. We then went into town to go to Micheals but it was so busy the parking lot was full. We decided to skip it and go during the week and to go to lunch instead.
When we got home Asa was already home from work. We went to fix the electric fence for we saw in the dark sparks of where it was grounded. Some wires were touching the poles where they shouldnt have been which made the fence not work properly. It has been raining here the last few days so the fields are very muddy to work in. Today it did not rain but it was cool. Asa needed to test the fence so he touched it. It gave him a big jolt and he couldnt move his arm for a few seconds. Soon after he touched it the cat came through the barn and accidently ran into it. He cried so loud and jumped. I wonder if he is down a live. QT came over to where we were working and we to her not to touch the fence many times and while we turned our backs on her for a split second she reached out and grabbed the fence. She was stunned and started screaming. I felt so bad for her.
It was now time to transfer the does to their new pasture. The first few went very smooth. They followed the food bucket right into their new quarters. There were about six which followed. AR wanted to try next. She didnt quite follow instructions but she did well. They almost made it to the new area. Asa was able to get a hold of one and another followed. There was then three running loose. Grandma even joined us to help get them in the barn/pasture. It took a while but we were able to corral them into the field. The skidish goats were still left in the milk barn and had to be transferred. Two Asa caught and we each had a horn and walked each one to the field and then released them. Another one was small enough he carried it. The last two are the scardy goats. We got two dog leashes and collars which Grandma got off the porch while dragging Happy Birthday down to the pasture. We couldnt believe she actually touched HB let alone dragged her the whole way to the barn. Once we had the collars as was able to tackle/pin one goat and I held it by the horns while he did the same to the other goat. She was hard because she had no horns. We were able to get the collars and leashes on them to place them in their new home. At least for a while. All the goats seemed to be happy this evening.
Posted by
7:28 PM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Another rainy day on the farm. Last night we started to bring the goats out of the barn to their outside area when we descovered the electric fence isnt working. We tested it before we brought the goats out and it was working. It was very frustrating. We decided to put the few goats we had out back in the barn where they will be safe. However we were unable to catch one, Janet, is her name. She is a nice smart goat with a black head and white body. We decided to leave her out with Happy Birthday. It is so cold and rainy I havent ventured out to check on them yet. AR and I will need to feed and water all of them soon anyway. Goat catching isnt always easy and electric fences are tempremantal.
We recieved our 100 large mouth bass yestereday. Asa and AR released them into the pond yesterday.
Posted by
11:04 AM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Our feeding frenzie. Today AR and I went out to feed the goats after preschool. Happy Birthday must have heard us coming because she had her head stuck out the bottom of the door where it is broken off. When we went to open the door all the other goats were already there to greet us which makes it very difficult to push past them to feed them. Happy Birthday usually can get her head in and out of the door very easily but because all the other goats were standing there she was stuck. And we were stuck at the door. I put one bucket of grain down and went inside while AR stood there with the water. When I came back the door was wide open and Happy Birthday had escaped. No big deals she is easy to catch. However, there were six others standing in the door way looking like they could make a break for it. Luckily there was still some corn in the bucket I had left and I was able to get them back in the door with a little rattle of the bucket. I was envisioning the worst when I saw them all standing free at the wide open door. Happy Birthday even went back on her own.
Next we had to go feed the bucks. For the past couple of weeks we had noticed one may have the beginnings of a cold. It was sneezing alot and not hanging with the others as much. Well today it had a huge runny nose and was blowins snot all over the place. Just like a little kid when they are sick. Luckily we had just talked to the lady who has the big goat heard yesterday about what to do when they get sick. It was a trip to Agway to get pennicillin and a few syringes. It was too dark to administer the antibiotic by the time Asa and I got home so we hope the goat is still alive tomorrow. Then we will both get to play Veterinarian and try to figure out how many cc's of Meds to give and how often and where to inject the medication. It shouldnt be too hard. Just catching and holding the buck still will be the most difficult part.
With all of the fencing we have been doing and now having to administer drugs to our animals we are starting to look like real farmers.
Posted by
7:48 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Today Asa, the girls and I woke up early and drove to Cayuga. It is a small town just south west of Syracuse. Once we were off the highway the trip was beautiful. Lots of hills of full colored trees and so many apple orchards we were overwhelmed. We had no idea they were there. We stopped at a few and bought some of the best apples I have ever tasted. They are like candy. In Cayuga was another goat rancher. Her goats had sixty kids and we went to look at them and her facility. She was very nice and extremely informative. Most of the day was rainy and windy but we all had fun.
Posted by
7:51 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Happy Birthday now has 18 lady friends to keep her company. However, she would still be with us and on the porch. Yesterday Asa and I spent the entire day putting up the electric fence for our new goats. It looks nice and it works. In the late afternoon we went to pick up the twenty goats which were purchased. 18 does and 2 bucks. The one buck is older and tried to have his way with all of the bucks we already have, all day today. The other buck is a painted 100% Boer Register buck and is only 10 months old. He got to spend the night with the ladies because when we were off loading the goats into the milk house we were unable to catch him and it was dark. This afternoon Asa was able to corner him with some food and put him in with the rest of the bucks. So if he was able to have his way with any of the ladies we will have kids in April.
The herd is doing well and the girls love to feed them and hang out with them. QT thinks they are so funny. She doesnt seem to mind getting knocked over by them either.
Our current Animal count is
1 Hen
7 Buck Goats
19 Doe Goats
1 Dog
2 Cats
Rats and mice arent considered pets. We are hoping we dont have any of them at least in the house.
Grandma is back and is trying to readjust back to farm living. We tell her she just shouldnt leave then she doesnt have to go through this adjustment period.
Asa and I still have lots of fencing to complete. We are trying to put the goats into large quadrants so we can rotate them around. Hopefully we get faster and more efficient each time.
Posted by
7:50 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The Lesson learned today on the farm....Its not wise to wear flip flops and feed 5 hungry buck goats. Their hooves really hurt!
Today on the farm we invented a walking fertilizer system. We put the bucket of feed in the back of the stroller and Happy Birthday wouldnt leave it alone so I kept walking with the stroller and she had her front feet in the bottom of the stroller and was walking behind us eating while pooping. Thus the walking fertilizer system which can also lul your baby to sleep.
Asa hooked up the electric fence at the bottom of the stairs so that the goat will not poop on the porch. It worked really well. She ran very fast the first time she got zapped. Woody on the other hand it took him about 4 times. It was a little nerve racking getting into the house, trying to step over it. We know it doesnt hurt its just the antisipation of knowing you may get zapped.
QT was suppose to be in her crib, I had just checked on her and I was doing dishes. It was no more than 2 minute when I started to taste something weird. I turned around and saw a cloud of white pouring out of the living room. In less than 2 minutes, QT, had gotten a hold of her fathers powder and dumped it all over the living room, in part of the kitchen, in the bathroom and all over our bedroom. Our blue carpets were no long blue they were white and it was difficult to breath because of the thick powder in the air. While cleaning up this mess; I look over into Grandma's bedroom and saw QT had pulled the clean wet clothes off of the rack onto the dirty floor. Tomorrow is another day.
Posted by
5:28 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006
This is a picture of a Boer Goat Buck. Ours arent quite this big yet but we hope they will be at least this big or bigger. Tonight Asa and I were out working on the fence again. The girls were playing in the field. AR was throwing her sister to the ground then dragging her sister by the hood of her sweat shirt thru the thick grass. After the third time we told her she would have to go inside if she didnt quit. Asa and I were in the field on a hill which over looks the farm and the sun was setting while the girls were playing, it was beautiful. Almost surreal and peaceful. We were all working together and everyone was happy. It was great. We never thought a year ago we would be worring about fencing and keeping coyotes out away from our goats.
Tonight it was QT's turn to ride the tractor back from the fields. She has only had 2 or 3 rides and AR always gets to go. Well QT loved it and AR had a fit and wined and cried the whole walk back. She did redeam herself in the end by being such a good helper.
Yesterday a man stopped by and I saw him out there talking to Asa, I was in the house. It looked like they knew one another because they were laughing. Then I saw them walk toward the road and thought maybe it was the neighbor who is working on the water construction team outside our house. They have been digging and blasting for the water line which should be done by spring of 2007. I asked Asa who that guy was and he said it was someone who wanted to know if we had a big red rooster. Appearently, the guy told Asa he didnt know why the Rooster crossed the road and guessed it might be suicide. Yep the rooster got ran over by a truck. The man was nice enough to tell us he killed our rooster. He said there was nothing he could do that the rooster jumped right out in front of him and began to try to fly and he hit him. Which is better than the lady who swerved to miss a sqirrel and hit us. I would rather him hit the rooster than crash his truck. We would have eatent he rooster for dinner but it was pretty mangled. He only had one tail feather left before he got hit due to Woody chasing him. Thats why we wonder if it was suicide or just an accident. He may have thought these people move in, their kids chase us out of our house, the dog is plucking us off one by one, my nerves are shot, I cant handle it any more. Our chicken count is very low. We have One hen and One chick left on the farm.
AR had balliet class today. It is very different from the class she took in Colorado. This one is much more regimented and the focus isnt to just have fun it is to learn and you will learn or be out of the class. So very structured. Which is ok. AR likes it. Although she almost got kicked out of class today because she kept laying on the floor. Then eating her Tutu. The instructor is from NYC and was on Broadway for many years and has now taught for many years. She is very nice and very patient with the students but you will listen or leave. She has the accent of Joey's manager Stella from Friends. The parents can only watch the first week of every month until January then they have to really focus on the recital at the end of June. AR has learned 1st, 2nd and 4th position and several other moves which have names that I can barely pronounce let alone spell, so I wont even try. It is very cute and she does have fun, it is just very different.
Posted by
7:59 PM
We got back from our trip on Monday September 18, 2006. Aunt Midge came to visit on Wednesday September 20, 2006. She got here just in time to go to the girls Acrobat Class.
Thursday September 21, 2006 we all went to an animal auction near by. Where we saw to grown men screaming at each other about their bids over an animal and the cops were getting called. It was an interesting way to start an auction. We didnt buy anything for the goats always seem to come last and the girls were getting so antsy after two hours. We saw lots of sheep and pigs sold. Some of the sheep even were able to leap out of the pen into the crowd.
Friday Great Grandma Kistler and Cheryl arrived. They had a long day of driving but it was nice to see them. We tried to have the house clean. Well as clean as you can get a place when you have absolutely no room to put anything. Aunt Midge was
moved to the storage room where there was just enough room for her to set up her cot and put a few things.
Aunt Midge, Great Grandma and I played lots of cards. Aunt Midge and Great Grandma seemed to hit it off. They played cards and gabbed for hours. They both seemed to have a great time. I know Aunt Midge really enjoyed herself. The weekend with Great Grandma went very fast. It rained most of the time. The Girls liked having both of them around too. While they were here Asa and I were able to get a home established for Happy Birthday so she would stay off the porch and quit pooping on it. We were sweeping about 10x a day from her. It gets old quickly. She would be great if she wouldnt poop on the porch. Great Grandma and Cheryl left Monday to go back to PA and Aunt Midge left Wednesday.
Asa started his new job at Lowes. It is the same job he had when he left the Lowes in Greeley. He is happy to get back to the position he likes there. It makes him much more enjoyable. At the top is a picture of the 5 Boer goat bucks he bought while we were gone and Happy Birthday. They are 10 months old and very funny to watch. They are getting very big. This week we should have 20 more goats on the way. All we have to do is finish the fence for them. We tried to get it finished this weekend for Asa had three days off but we only had one nice day and we didnt get it all done. However we did clean up around the garage and chicken coop and picked up years of garbage from the previous owner. We had the biggest bonfire yet. We will pick up the goats using the mini van. We will have to make 4 trips so luckily it isnt too far.
We have been without a phone line for nine days. We didnt have a dial tone and we have been fighting with the phone company to have someone come out and fix it. They finally showed today. So we now have a phone thus a computer. Our logs should be more regular again.
Posted by
10:04 AM