Monday, June 04, 2007

Other Happening In May

We went to the drive In opening night for Spiderman at dusk thinking we could get in. That was foolish of us. They said it was sold out hours before dark. We went again the weekend Shrek 3 came out. This time we went about two hours early. They were still sold out. We decided to go see Spiderman on the other screen. We liked it. Addisson told us she never wanted to see that movie again but she was glad it had a happy ending.

Asa and I drove to NH to learn about fencing. We had left Addisson home with Grandma. We were about 1/2 hour from Syracuse when we got the phone call that the goats were out. Asa turned around and headed home. We got about 15 miles back towards home when she called again and said she got them back in. We arrived in NH at 2 am and received a phone call that the goats were out again and she had seen a snake trying to get them back in. It sounds calm the way I am telling it but the entire thing was chaotic and frenzied. However, Grandma did very well especially since she saw a snake and it was very hot.

The lady that helped us with fencing asked us what we wanted to fence or keep out. We said goats. She immediately said " Oh don't say that nasty four letter word, GOAT" Then she said "good luck and you have come to the right place."

After being at the fencing store for a few hours it over whelms you. I never thought there could be so much to fencing. You really could have a masters degree in fencing. On our 6 hour drive back to NY Asa and I discussed fencing. Neither one of us could have dreamed we would be spending 95% of our time on the farm dealing with fence. We were definitely naive. We thought it would be fun to have goats. Never knowing how frustrating and infuriating they can be. They are also fun too but they are also annoying. I had goats growing up and they were fun. Maybe because we only had 2 or 3 at a time. Not thirty. We are learning. We call these 30 goats our test case.

Here is Grandpap Reeds take on what happened.

As to the goats, Asa has been experimenting with some new fencing, an electrified woven 6 X 6 (inches) net, made and sold by Primer Fencing. It is pricey, but very effective. He now has 3 sections, one light duty for the kids and Happy Birthday, and 2 for the herd of does. The goats do not bother the fence at all and he can move them around the areas of the Ranch where we want some weed control as well as foliage for the herd. Yesterday they took down most of our stand of Sumac, it was getting out of hand and is a real hassle with the poison and all, but the goats are not affected and just seem to love the stuff. We would much prefer they eat the Sumac and Poison Ivy than the blueberries and Sarah’s new weeping cherry tree!

Well Cheryl went home today, after helping me set up my little apartment. She dropped me off at the local airport, Islip MacArthur Airport, to rent a car until I can find one, then she headed for the Upstate Toll Road. Getting off the Island took a good part of the trip, even when things were not that bad traffic wise. This Island is just crowded.

Once she got home she got to help chase the pig! Princess, the young lady piglet, she is only about 45 pounds, got loose. She has been much more aggressive since we got her. She has already charged the girls trying to scarce them off, and tonight she got out from the pig pen and was running free with everyone chasing her. Addisson and Quinlyn were to hold positions and wave Princess off if she headed their direction, Asa and Sarah were doing the chasing and Cheryl was to hold the center of the circle, if I understood correctly. But to no avail, Princess got through the line. Asa then decided to form a new section of fence adjacent to the existing pen. He hooked up a panel, bent it in a half circle back the existing fence and viola, princess was inside the fence again. But, not the right fence, so Asa jumped in, chased her down and grabbed her hind legs as she made and escape attempt. He could hardly lift her, she was digging with her front legs and was partly stuck in the hole!! But, her got her out and stuck her in the main pen, now for how long we are not sure, but Princess is going to take some extra care.

And take a look at these photos of my favorite little girls,

Love to all,
--Asa Reed Jr.

Oh yes we got another pig and she was getting out. She was so hard to catch at first until we got smarter than her. She squealed and squealed. The kids loved trying to catch her and she wasnt even greased or muddy.

More from Grandpap

The goats are at it again, lead by Janet this time.

Asa B and Sarah are on the road tonight, they are heading to a fencing shop in southern New Hampshire that specializes in sheep and goat fences and provides training in putting up the fences. Their prices are reasonable, so the kids decided to give them a try. Asa B and Sarah are traveling tonight, staying at the Super 8 near the store then heading home tomorrow night with enough fencing supplies to do 10 acres. That is about 2640 feet of fence. They took Quinlyn along to help with the heavy work. (See her photo, doesn’t she look like a ranch girl?) They hope to spend most of the day watching demos of how to do the fencing correctly, then try their hand at the fences they are going to buy. We need to get some permanent fences in to get the goats on browse. There should be plenty of fencing left for Carrie to help with if she comes to help for a while.

Well, as they get on the road to New Hampshire, they are no more than the end of the drive when Miss Addisson gets all teary eyed about the family leaving her at home, Grandma is ok, but Daddy, Mommy, and Quinlyn all took off without her! She would have gone, but needed to be at the dance practice and photo session on Wednesday, the tyranny of the schedules. Schedule conflicts at such a young age! Well, just as Addisson and Grandma were getting the Peter Pan DVD going, they looked out the window, and who but Janet was out of the fence and in the new trees again!!! So Cheryl calls me, tells me what is happening, I tell her that she should call Asa B and Sarah back, they are just south of Watertown, I had just talked to them as they were leaving the Starbucks there. She does not like that answer, they need the fence and should go get the training and materials. She decides that she really needs to talk to them however, she calls them and goes through the goat recovery via the cell phones, holding the Janet’s collar in a choke hold with one hand the bucket of feed to entice the other goats in the other hand and the phone somewhere between the two. It might have bit marks on it, if someone were to look. So, she got the goats back in the fence before Janet choked, and the kids are still on their way to New Hampshire. Let us hope that the fencing works till the kids get back Wednesday night and they can chase any runaways.

Last night when the family was done chasing the wild pig, Princess around the yard they all got ready for be and tuned in, especially Asa B as he had to go to work in the morning. Cheryl and Sarah decide to sit up and discuss the work needed on the house and how they are going to schedule the window work, as it will be disruptive of every room in the house. They call me and we get into some of the issues, then we all decide to hang it up for the night and hit the hay. Somewhat literally now that we are on the ranch. So, before it it too awful late, all are in bed. A couple of hours later, Cheryl hears some noises out it the kitchen and thinks it is Sarah up puttzing around. Well it goes away then starts up again, and she asks Sarah what she is up to and does she need help? Sarah does not answer, so Cheryl gets the idea that it is not Sarah making the noises in the kitchen and goes out to see if the dog got out of his kennel, or the cat is into something, but no they are not in the kitchen. Then she hears the noise again, and it is from the porch. Now what is out there making that type of noise? The windows are open, but she can not see anything outside. As she is looking around for something, Sarah comes out of their bedroom asking what the noise is, Cheryl explains that something is on the porch, Sarah grabs a big light and out the door she goes to face ….a big raccoon which immediately knocks over some of the dog bones he w as in and scampers off the porch into the darkness. What an exciting evening!!!

--Asa Reed Jr.

The goats are at it again, lead by Janet again. With Asa B and Sarah are on the road at the fencing shop in southern New Hampshire Cheryl is in solo in charge of the ranch, not a task she volunteered for, or even wants. So as day broke this morning she looked out to see how the goats she had shepherded into the pen last night had made it through the night. What?? There are no goats in the pen! Now all the does are gone!! So Cheryl starts hiking around the ranch to locate the missing herd, hoping they are still on our property and off the road at least.

She found them, Asa B has the animal food sitting around in the bags it comes in and now he has a lot less food, the goats ate everything. This is the second time they have raided the store house and cleaned it out. Cheryl is adjusting the fence to hopefully keep them in and it is hot and muggy today, and she saw a snake at the entrance to the pen area. Not a good day for my wonderful wife.

Her and Addisson will lead the goats in to the pen later this afternoon then Addisson has to be at her dance class for photos. Speaking of photos here are a couple more of my favorite girls.

As to Asa B and Sarah, they got in to the hotel at about 2:15 am and were tired, I had called to keep checks on them as they drove and told them to get to bed as I was going to do myself.

Love to all,

Mr. Raccoon was back!

Cheryl heard the noises on the porch again last night, but now she knows what is up. She grabs her flashlight and heads to the kitchen and shines it out the window. There he was, standing on his hind legs getting into the bird seed container. He stood tall enough that his nose was above the height of the railing, a pretty big coon.

Grandma called Asa B, get your gun and get this coon! Well, as usual the coon is still safe. Oh well, he will be ready for another night at the Reeds. Grandpap left out the part where Asa didnt even bother to get any clothes on and was naked in the front yard with his gun looking for the raccoon. So if you ever want to visit and go on a Naked Raccoon hunt, call Asa @ huntinaked (555-482-4588) or email him @

I just am hilarious.

The kids did get the goats all into a fenced area and out of the prison that Grandma put them in. They are going to give them a little more room tonight.

Love to all,
--Asa Reed Jr.

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