Monday, January 19, 2009
We made valentines day cookies and decorated them.
Last weekends project. I cleared out all the cabinets and painted them inside and out. I figured it will be at least two years before we remodel the kitchen so I might as well start using the cabinets. I applied Kilz paint which made us all feel better.
It was a mess for a day or two.
Posted by
8:21 PM
This is Quinlyns speach teacher. She comes to the house 3x per week. She agreed to let Quinlyn to paint her nails. Dont they look pretty.
Today we spent the day making valentines day ornaments to hang one our 3 Valentines Day trees. The girls had a great time with only a few disputes. Arent they pretty too.
Posted by
8:10 PM
We have a flock of turkies that have been coming to visit our bird feeder. Grandma got tired of filling the normal bird feeders in the cold so Grandpap bought her one that holds 200lbs of seed.
Posted by
8:07 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Last week I made goat ribs. They were delicous. Addisson was so cute she called the leftovers for lunch. She said "Dad, I get whats left for lunch tomorrow". It was shotgun of ribs. It was more interesting here when it happened but Addisson was probally the only kindergardner or student who has brought goat for lunch to school. Do any of you know anyone to bring goat meat to school and have to fight your dad to get it first.
Posted by
8:54 AM
Turkeys at the house.
Well today the Guinea fowl meet their match, some turkeys showed up and I am not talking about Asa B. The local flock of turkeys stopped in on the way through the Ranch and made a call at the bird feeder in the yard. They are at least twice the size of the guinea hens and pretty arrogant birds, thought not as bad geese. We have some photos that we will send. If I forget just refer back to the Asa B and Tom photos, that was two of them.
We are talking a lot more about old things nowadays. Old things? Perhaps, I should say simpler things. With the ranch and the animals an the gardens and the fields, etc. We were talking more about a sustainable lifestyle, where you know more about the food you eat, the milk and the water you drink, etc. Now, this is not organic per se, but more free range, where the animals have room to roam and forage, and there is very little chemicals or drugs used on the ground or to the animals. It is interesting, and I pray profitable down the road. Weekend past we were talking about how Grandma Price used fresh dandelions in the spring for salad greens. How we gather them early, there were no lawn chemicals then, and Grandma cleaned and chopped them and then wilted them in a hot vinegar bacon dressing that was really good. Does anyone else remember that? Does anyone have the recipe?
We have to haul water to the animals right now. It is cold here and the bedrock is so near the surface in most areas that right now I can not afford to blast down to put in water lines and hydrants that will not freeze. So the house water is collected into large tubs down at the basement door, we have an outside faucet, and taken to the animals on the front end loader of the tractor. We are carrying about 100 gallons a day of warm water to the animals, if we use cold water the valve freezes before we get the water to the barn and then we have to fight with that also. The temperature has not been above freezing for a couple of weeks here in the North Country.
The wind has also been pretty bad this year. I am looking forward to some of this global warming the boys down south are gabbing about. See the attached photos; the wind got under the roof of my old garage, lifting the north half of the roof up abit and sliding it about a foot off the beams. So now I have contacted the local Amish builder, if he can repair if for a reasonable sum, I will get him over here this spring, but if not, look for a new pole barn for the cars next winter. One with a solid roof. Asa and I went up on the side of the house this weekend past and disconnected the electrical lines from the old garage, just in case it falls over, we do not want to lose all the electricity at the Ranch.
Andy, do you do any roof repairs on old buildings?
Posted by
8:54 AM
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Hello all of you,
It has been cold and snowy here at the Ranch, with a couple of warmer rainy days thrown in. We had a wonderful Christmas and a part of a very nice New Years day. We got stuck on Long Island in a snow storm New Years eve, it was very windy and very cold. The snow moved off Manhattan, as you know if you watched the crystal ball fall in Times Square, but it was still snowing on Long Island and up in Connecticut so we stayed until morning and drove up then. We thought Times Square was busy the 9th when we were there for the Rockett's show, but they stuck almost a million people into the same area, wow, too busy for me.
The wind was really hard this winter already, we had a couple of items blown around and over and last week the wind blew a good section of the wall off the old garage building. with this damage I belive that it will need ripped down. I have an Amish crew coming to give me an estimage, but if it is too much the old building will be razed.
Cheryl and Quinlyn were both sick last night, there has been some bad flu (?) going around up here the last week or so. It comes on pretty quick and knocks you off your feet. Pray for them.
I talked to Margie last night and Melanie is in the hosptital, for observations, she started having contractions and they stopped those, the babies are ok, but they may want her to go on bed rest till the babies are born. That will be tough on their budget as Las Vegas is not cheap and their medical bills have been high. So they need God's intervention.
Aunt Jane and Uncle David called, they are down at Latrobe at Cindy's, David said he was going to stop at Dad's and see if Margie and Roger could meet them for lunch some where. They had been to State College to visit Jane, but did run into some hard snow on the way up there. Otherwise their trip is doing well and they are going to Chicago next week for a couple of days before they head back to Sydney. I think they have a trip in July, a wedding in Orlando, then to Pa, and another to Chicago area in the fall, not sure of all the dates.
Tim and Geri held a baby shower for Andy and Trish Saturday at their house in Latrobe. This was a big party with most of the young families showing up, Margie was there and I hope someone sends out some photos for us all. I will check with Margie and Ben to see if they have any, or maybe Matt and Dana would have some and post them.
I think Cathy and Wilson moved to the San Francisco area I believe, we will check on the move and the location and get back to you all. That is a big step, but should be a great location, I liked the area. Maybe they could send us a picture or let us know if some are posted on facebook or somewhere.
I hear from Roger that Roger and Misty and family are planning to move soon, not sure of the date, but it should be soon. At least there should be little snow and ice down there in Flordia.
Well God bless you all, and please pray for all the family.
--Asa Reed Jr. 303-883-3592
Posted by
12:18 PM
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Addisson made this card for Quinlyn for Christmas. She did it all on her own and it was quite good.
Grandma Taylor's turn to be Santa. They arrived the day after Christmas. The girls and her had a great time.
Grandpap Taylor enjpying the chaos of Christmas with the girls.
Posted by
11:23 AM
Asa and Cheryl at Rockefeller Center.
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12:55 AM
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12:44 AM
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12:39 AM
The 3 Asa's in Florida on their fishing trip in November for Asa (the originals) 84th birthday
Uncle Tim and Grandpap
Grandpap on Richards boat in florida
Posted by
12:35 AM